Lesotho Horsemen

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 Lesotho has a lot of mountains. The locals call it The Mountain Kingdom. All the mountains make the scenery just spectacular. But this makes transport a big problem. There is only a limited amount of roads in Lesotho and a lot of them are basically not fit for any kind of motor transport. There are passes with names like God Forsaken Pass, Baboons Pass, Widow Pass and The Devils Pass so you can just imagine how difficult it is to travel in Lesotho. For this reason Horses are very popular and practical in Lesotho.  

I stopped immediately when I came across this old man on his horse. He was so photogenic and also willing to stand for a few photos. I just couldn’t get him to relax. I had a translator with me and I think the Old Man understood what I wanted to do, but he just never trusted the camera. We managed to make him smile a few times, but unfortunately never for a photo.  

You will always have days like that.


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