Live Action Role-Play, suggests German photographer Felix
von der Osten, is a kind of theater wherein there are no distinctions between
actors and audience members. For Alter Ego, he tells the story of this unusual
game that allows players to travel backwards and forwards in time, transforming
into gallant Medieval knights, unyielding monarchs, and survivors of a faraway
Although von der Osten was familiar with tabletop role-play
games from his own childhood, he had never witnessed on the scale of what he
saw when he attended Cologne’s Spectaculum, an event that draws a crowd of LARP
enthusiasts who dress the part of various medieval characters, ranging from
kings to forgotten soldiers. The event left such an impression on the artist
that he spent the next two years traveling to similar gatherings, festivals,
and conventions, where he met a wide network of enthusiastic sitters who
allowed him into their exclusive world.
While some of the portraits were made in his subjects’ home,
the photographer admits that shooting at the festivals themselves could be
challenging, since players remain devotedly in character. If he was visiting a
Medieval reenactment, for instance, the introduction of a camera would be
jarring, requiring careful explanation and eliciting bewildered expressions.
Adopting old German dialect, he notes, helped gain him entry into the fold, but
he wore modern clothing, which was also somewhat baffling to his centuries-old
While von der Osten acknowledges that LARP is sometimes met
with a degree of derision, he sees something meaningful in the pastime.
Role-play, he suggests, isn’t simply about avoiding reality but instead about
negotiating the nuances of everyday life through fantasy. He described LARP on
two occasions as a “protected” space, meaning that players can try on different
personas without fear of mistakes or awkwardness. LARP empowers participants to
become anyone they desire without the real-world consequences of actually being
that person, and in turn, playing the part can help to inform and empower who
they are in everyday life.
All images © Felix von der Osten
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